The Top 5 Limiting Beliefs That Keep You Dating Unavailable Guys On Repeat

If you’re a single woman over 40, you already know that online dating is fraught with games and bs. Unfortunately most women looking for a devoted relationship with the right person make the mistake of getting involved with unavailable guys.

The good news is you CAN learn how to recognize unavailable guys BEFORE you get involved, so you won’t waste months or years chasing after love, inevitably leaving you with a non-existent love life yet again. 

As an Intuitive Love Coach and a former hot mess express in the dating world (who overcame my tendency to chase love to meet and marry the love of my life in my 40s), I understand from a personal perspective how frustrating it is to end up with yet another unavailable guy.

That’s why I created this list of limiting beliefs based on helping women worldwide for 17 years, to find lasting love after 40. It is a great starting point for your own clarity and empowerment. Once you read the list, pick which one resonates with you and journal on what comes up for 10 minutes. Don’t overthink it, just pick the one that feels most relevant to your dating experiences.

there isn’t enough choice because of my age, city,circumstances/lifestyle. I have a lot of wants and many limitations so that shrinks the dating pool for me

Even though I don’t like to admit it I get a thrill being with Mr. Unavailable. There is an element of drama and excitement in him that I don’t think Mr. Right would have.

See also  3 Ways to Meet Mr. Right After 40 Part 3: Online Dating

I am so different and unique (or flawed) that there is nobody out there who is right for me so, I might as well try to make it work with whoever shows up.

A sense of giving up. I don’t want to make the effort or I’m too tired to go through the whole process of finding someone who is high quality or right for me, so I’ll go for this guy because it’s easier.

If I was with someone who is amazing and shows up fully I’d have to show up fully too. That’s way too scary! What if I’m not good enough for someone who is my equal/high quality?

With your newfound clarity you can be more aware if you feel this limiting belief creeping up. If you notice the belief, you can make an intention that you are ready to change your beliefs and create a new experience in love for yourself! Write out a new intention that focuses on what you desire.

For example if you have #5 show up you can make this intention:  I intend to show up fully as myself even if I’m nervous or afraid of being rejected. I know that I can take it slow and trust myself. I am an amazing catch!

Share your turnaround intentions in the comments to inspire others!

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