50 Truths About Love And Dating From a Love Coach

Woman in pink dress holding heart-shaped pillow, set against a pink background.

This year I turn 50 (in a few days, actually). In light of this important milestone in my life I wanted to document the 50 Truths About Love And Dating after 40 I’ve learned along the way (and my journey going from a single hot mess to married to the love of my life in my 40s). I hope these simple, but powerful truths will help you along the way on your love journey.

1. Everyone deserves love

2. Everyone is worthy of love

3. You can’t love the wrong guy enough to make him the right guy

4. If it feels bad, it’s not love

5. You don’t have to prove yourself to be loved

6. If it takes constant effort and work, it’s not love

7. Love is letting go of control

8. Everyday you can love yourself a little more, no matter where you’re starting from

9. True Love is the freedom to be your authentic self with another

10. If you have to constantly test to see if it’s real love, it’s not

11. Love is expansive

12. Love feels good even when you’re working through icky stuff

13. Staying with the wrong person longer does not make the relationship better

14. Love is growth

15. Love is courage

16. You can not make someone love you, no matter how hard you try

17. Love feels hopeful

18. Your desires, needs and wants are valid

19. Love is nourishing

20. Love is an adventure of the heart

21. Chasing love makes it run away faster

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22. Don’t let someone make you feel bad for having wants and needs

23. Let yourself be loved and adored

24. Withholding love is an illusion and an impossibility

25. Love is accessed from within

26. Love flows through you, as you

27. Love is available to you at anytime

28. Love is not something you get from someone

29. Love is connecting with yourself, the world and others

30. Love is openness and willingness

31. Releasing someone can be the greatest act of love there is

32. Opening your heart is the bravest thing you can do

33. Living from the heart is everything

34. Your mind will take you away from your heart if you let it

35. Your heart is powerful

36. Your heart will lead you to loving experiences and people if you trust it

37. Heart guidance is subtle and profound

38. Being clear about how you feel and what you want is the fastest way to find true love

39. Tuning into your heart requires presence and softness

40. Connect to your heart everyday and watch your life transform!

41. Expand your heart energy everyday

42. Nature and animals will open your heart in a huge way

43. Your heart will not lead you astray

44. Love always finds a way

45. You can never run out of love

46. The heart will always bounce back

47. Your heart wants to love and never becomes jaded (only your mind can do that)

48. Love is the being, becoming and doing (all three)

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49. You can learn to love in a healthy way even if you weren’t loved and cared for as a child

50. The most important decision maker in dating is how you feel in your heart, body and soul when you’re with the person.

Which ones did you resonate with the most? Or add your own! 

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