Are you in your 40’s and struggling to find Mr. Right?

Are you OVER your non-existent love life?

Does it feel like all that’s left in the Sea of Love are bottom feeders…

Putting all your time, energy, and heart into unavailable guys is emotionally draining.

Do you struggle to find lasting love with the right guy and repeatedly waste too much time and energy on unavailable guys?

You know the type… emotionally or physically unavailable, immature, boring, never take initiative, deceptive… not to mention they’re either unable or unwilling to communicate.

Hey, I get it. I’ve been where you are, and I can tell you love is out there! Mr. Right is waiting for you.

How do I know?

Because I use a proven process that has helped hundreds of clients worldwide—including myself—find true love after 40!

As an Intuitive Love Coach and Women’s Empowerment Teacher with over 20 years of experience, I’ve been helping women around the world find their person – without chasing unavailable guys.

To discover genuine, lasting love without having to compromise themselves, their beliefs, or values.

Using my proven process, I can help you overcome destructive thoughts and those nasty, negative self-judgments that are holding you back from finding a fulfilling and fun relationship.

Just Imagine:

  • Being authentic and true to yourself
  • Knowing what you want - and not "settling"
  • Feeling confident and bold
  • Recognizing your self-worth
  • Feeling desired, appreciated, and valued
  • Finding real, authentic love and romance

I can help you achieve that and so much more.

But before you find Mr. Right, it’s important that you’re clear on who your Mr. Unavailable is. It’s not a one-size-fits-all; it’s unique to each person.

It’s important to understand why you’re attracted to Mr. Unavailable. To recognize why they appeal to you so you can finally put an end to those unhealthy patterns and start attracting

Mr. Right.

Ready to find the right guy for you? Let’s get started!

The first step is to take my Challenge

Love Notes from Clients

This is what people are saying about Truly Eleanor

Amrita R. M., USA

Feel Ready, Worthy,
Deserving of True Love

"I felt blocked and thwarted by the same repetitive patterns, which were unconsciously ruling my life, making me feel incredibly disempowered, sad, and frustrated. Working with Eleanor, I immediately felt clearer and energized. Her warm and kind nature, keen insights, wisdom, and intuitive gifts were the perfect combination for unlocking anything holding me back. Now, I feel open, ready, and totally worthy and deserving of true love!!"

Alexandra Purdy, USA

I Met Someone Wonderful

"I have worked closely with Eleanor and am amazed at the transformation I have made in my life since working with her! I met someone wonderful who was everything I'd dreamed of. Eleanor both inspires and keeps things real in a grounded sense, and I love this blend of energies! Her listening, witnessing, humor, insight, and guidance have been incredibly valuable to me as I navigate the shifting waves of my life".

Nancy G., USA

Every Day We Share a

Great Happiness Together

"During our time together, you gave me some insightful guidance. Since then, a former classmate asked me to dinner. We spent a year reconnecting and discovering that we really clicked with each other. He asked me to marry him in December 2020, and we were married on June 19, 2021. Every day we share great happiness together. I am brimming with gratitude. Everything with him has been easy. So thank you, Eleanor".

Want Support to Revive Your Non-Existent Love Life? Sign up here to take the Self-Study Detox Unavailable Guys Challenge!

The fastest path to devoted love with Mr. Right after 40 is to stop chasing unavailable guys. When you let love in, you experience the joy of Pinch Me Love with Mr. Right!

© 2024 TrulyEleanor